Interior of the Temple of Aboo-Sembel


David Roberts (Scotland) 1796-1864

Views of Egypt, Nubia, and the Holy Land, Duo-Tone Lithograph with hand finishing. Published London 1842-49.  This set of 250 images of Egypt and the Holy Land was and is considered the greatest lithographic work of the 19th century.  Each image was first printed in b/w, then two additional printings were done in sepia, and blue or green, with several images printed a fourth time in red.  After printing, the images were hand finished by a team of water colour artists to bring the prints to a lifelike state.  If you ordered the set it would then take you 7 years to receive all 250 images.  At that time you would go to your bookbinder and have the prints bound as you wished.  The images have always been very desirable and are becoming very rare as sets are being broken and the prints sold off.